The Picnic at Cranford, a Blog Tour: 4th Stop

Maria Grazia of Fly High is our last visit for the blog tour and not only has she written a lovely post about Cranford she is also offering two giveaways! Follow me and visit her post!

You must be a great writer to build a masterpiece on tiny, trivial, ordinary events. This is what you discover reading this novel by Elizabeth Gaskell and what Jane Austen’s lovers already know very well. Cranford  is the most Austensian of Mrs Gaskell’s novels, mainly for its witty tone… As Winfred Gérin states in “Elizabeth Gaskell. A Biography”,  “Cranford is not only the most sustainedly witty of Mrs Gaskell’s writings but the most relaxed in mood. It is a tale told without apparent effort in a style of intimate confidence, like gossip exchanged with a friend” (p. 124) Is this  why I read it with an idiotic smile printed on my face all the time if not laughing out loud once or twice? I just loved its humorous tone… read the full post.

Giveaway Prizes, visit to Fly High and leave a comment on her post with your email address.
A special thank you to Maria Grazia for offering this giveaway on her blog!

A Naxos Audio book recording of Gaskell’s Cranford and a paper back edition of the book!

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